First Wikibase Lexical Data Workshop (wikibase-lex)

What is Wikibase?

Wikibase, an extension of MediaWiki, a free and open source software suite, is a platform for collaboratively editing Linked Data. It features a graphical interface for exhibiting, editing, and querying of datasets modeled in accordance to the Semantic Web and the FAIR principles. Wikibase is the software underlying Wikidata. As does Wikidata, a Wikibase instance includes a default model for the representation of lexical data (Wikibase Lexemes), which is based on OntoLex, a W3C-recommended model for lexical data.

Wikibase as lexical database

For dictionary and dictionary digitisation projects that aim at producing Linguistic Linked Open Data, a workflow involving Wikibase is interesting for a range of reasons. We will discuss these, and present a number of use cases. This workshop targets Wikibase users as well as the lexicographic community in general, and, more specificly, researchers involved in projects about the representation of lexical data as Linked Data.


The workshop is a pre-conference event of LDK2023. It was held on September 13, 14:00 to 18:00 CEST, at the Centre for Translation Studies, University of Vienna (see conference programme).


PART 1: Languages
14:00-14:20 Introduction, David Lindemann (slides)
14:20-14:40 Danish, Finn Årup Nielsen (slides) (video)
14:40-15:00 Quechua, Elwin Huaman (slides) (video)
15:00-15:20 Kurdish, Sina Ahmadi (slides) (video)
15:20-15:40 Latin, Francesco Mambrini (slides) (video)
15:40-16:00 Basque, David Lindemann (slides) (video)


Part 2: Wikidata
16:30-17:00 Importing a Breton lexicon from Wikisource, Nicolas Vigneron (slides) (video)
17:00-17:30 Using user scripts to aid lexeme editing, Jon Harald Søby (slides) (video)
17:30-18:00 Lexicographical data in Wikidata: Because technology should speak your language! Lydia Pintscher (slides) (video)
18:00 Closing remarks

See information extracted from Wikidata about this Workshop at



Wikibase-Lex, a Nexus Linguarum action


This workshop is organised in the framework of Nexus Linguarum COST action.


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